Tag Archives: blog


小説書いてみるさて、春分の日を迎え、長らく暗黒世界にいた私ですが、やっと抜け出せたみたいですW ということで、気分が今まで以上にいいので、小説書いてみようかな、と思っております。 新人賞か何かに応募するつもり。 当ブログ

My mother´s birthday…my family history..

If she had been still alive, we would have celebrated her 59th birthday today. Today is a day for mourning. Th

A hand under the bed

There was a cut hand under the bed, completely white, pale cut hand with vivid red manicure nails.  At first i

What was I doing when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred??

As we commemorate the third anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, together with the people gathered

What was I doing when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred??

As we commemorate the third anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, together with the people gathered

What was I doing when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred??

As we commemorate the third anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, together with the people gathered

What was I doing when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred??

As we commemorate the third anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, together with the people gathered

Terrible night

Last night was terrible. It was kind of a hallucination or I guess it was a hypnopomic hallucination. I saw so

つぐない Atonement

つぐない Atonementジェームズ・マカヴォイ氏が出演している、つぐないをみました。 つぐない Atonement  英国を代表する作家の一人、イアン・マキューアンの傑作『贖罪』を、「プライドと偏見」のジョー・ライト

Depressive spring coming!!

Recently my body condtion has been not so good, so I had been mainly in my room. Yesterday I went out to get s