A hand under the bed

There was a cut hand under the bed, completely white, pale cut hand with vivid red manicure nails.  At first it didn´t move.

I approached the bed. Suddenly it started moving and it came to me with scissors in it.

It stepped closer to me, and I took a stepback, then I bumped into a wall. There was no way out.

The hand tried to insert a scissor into the wrist of my left hand. It didn´t try to cut my wrist, but tried to insert a scissor into my wrist and move it there.

My wrist started bleeding.

I didn´t feel any pain, but I felt something weird in my wrist, not itch, not pain… I don´t know what that was.  Perhaps, some kind of numbness and tingling.

When I woke up, I could still feel this weird feeling.

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Article source: http://blog-en.purestpurple.com/2014/03/14/a-hand-under-the-bed/


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